Saturday, July 31, 2004

Get those doctypes RIght the First Time

Good things to know before webdesign

From My Personal Experience:

- Inline elements should not have a width or height property applied to them. E.g., span, em, b, etc...

FireFox Extensions

This will help save time and effort when debugging websites.

CSS Step 1: The Box Model

The CSS Box Model is pretty straight forward. I think I understand what is going on.

The box model pretty much talks about the borders which surround objects. These objects can be anything from pictures to text to other boxes. The box model also describes how these boxes can be positioned relatively, absolutely, statically or just in a normal flow layout to others boxes.

Each box which surrounds an element has four areas, starting from inside out:
1. The Content Area
2. Padding Area
3. Border Area
4. Margin Area

Worth noting:
- The margin edge height of a box depends on its content height, plus the top and bottom padding.
- The content width for each box is calculated top-down (note sure what this means exactly).
- Margins of boxes are always transparent. Keep in mind then creating a flow layout.

Calculating Widths and Margins:
For Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements

The width of a containing block is equal to

'left' + 'margin-left' + 'border-left-width' + 'padding-left' + 'width' + 'padding-right' + 'border-right-width' + 'margin-right' + 'right'

More Details...
I often have this problem of determining how wide a box is. Sometimes I feel it is good that I set a with or height to auto, so the margin can automatically adjust but then I run in to problems in the long run. This is because I am not taking into account the margins and padding or wether I have the left or right attribute applied.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

CSS is Kicking my ASS!

Yes! I said it! I am attempting to create a "liquid layout" with just CSS and no HTML.
As I layout over a dozen images, so overlap some are displaced and some are generating different behaivors in different browsers. Whew! This is not easy, especially when IE and Mozilla do not always work like you want them to.
I am going to head over to and read up on CSS2. I should have taken a visit to w3c in the first place.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Mono! Just when You thought...

I remember while I was joing my internship and asked, "I wonder if there is an open source equivalent to Microsoft .NET?" Since these were all M$ people they responded like any M$ advocate would, "I do not know. Open Source?". Yep!

Atleast there is google. Low an behold I get on search query: ".NET Open Source Implementation"

I was excited when I saw this page ( I did not imagine to see a .NET implementation for a couple years, but the folks at Mono were on top of it.

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One or Two blogs?

I have two blogs. My delima is weather or not I should have two blogs or one. When I first head about I thought it would be a greate idea to have two blogs, one for my personal life and another for just my computer life. The problem is, my personal life is my computer life and vice versa.

Sometimes my logs conflit and can fit in either category. What I am going to do now is revert to just one blog. I just hope this is a good idea. For now I will add all the entries I have my FreeBSD blog to my winful blog and go from there. Since do not have too many entries I should be able to move everything over on a week or so.

I am disappointed what I have not been able to write in my blogs everyday like I said when I first created them.